Claire Legras, Ambassador of France and her delegation paid a visit to the Centre for Energy Research on 16 February on the invitation of Dr. Ákos Horváth, Director General of EK-CER.
At the meeting, the Director General presented the strategic directions of the Research Centre. Special attention was given to the existing and planned collaborations with French institutes and companies in the field of nuclear energy. EK-CER has long-standing cooperations with CEA and IRSN institutes in the field of nuclear safety and security. In the framework of these collaborations, EK-CER and the French institutions jointly participate in European research programs.
In connection with the construction of ITER, the international fusion experiment being built in Cadarache, a close cooperation between EK-CER and the CEA DSBT institute, Grenoble was established in the development of cryogenic pellet technology.
Researchers in neutron physics and materials science organized around the Budapest Research Reactor, have had a long-standing fruitful collaboration with the Grenoble-based international Laue-Langevin Institute that operates the world’s largest research reactor. To mention another field, for example, in heritage research, EK-CER closely collaborates with the Louvre museum in Paris. In the series of educational collaborations, the director general mentioned internship students from the National Graduating School of Engineering and Research Center, Caen, who carry out neutron physics and reactor physics projects at CER.
During the event, the Ambassador visited the departments of Microsystems, of Nanosensors and of Fusion Plasma Physics.