Head Of Department

Árpád Farkas

Tel: +(36-1)-392 2222 / 3404

Fax: +(36-1)-392 2712

E-mail: farkas.arpad@ek-cer.hu

The mission of Environmental Physics Laboratory is to carry out research on the environmental burden originating from different sources and on the human-environment interaction. The evaluation of the environmental impact of fossil, renewable and nuclear energy cycles and the quantification of health effects of environmental pollutants are also in the focus of our research. Our research activity is completed in the frame of national and international scientific projects and co-operations with industrial partners.

Our research activity is completed in the frame of national and international scientific projects and co-operations with industrial partners. Energy and power systems related research activities are conducted by the Energy Strategy and Environmental Effects (E-SEE) research group, see more on this link.

Main research topics

– Research supporting final disposal of radioactive waste involving physico-chemical-geological investigation of natural barriers and optimization of multi-step engineered barriers.

Evaluation of host rocks selected for final disposal of high level and long-lived radioactive waste with respect to retardation of radionuclides present in anionic and cationic form.

Development and structural analysis of mixed actinide-lanthanide-containing borosilicate glass compositions for conditioning of radioactive wastes through vitrification. Determination of dissolution parameters for glass components.

Corrosion study of metal containers applied as part of engineered barrier system for different surfaces (glass/steel/clay and glass/steel/concrete) and experimental conditions.

Supporting project: EU Horizon2020 EURAD-847593, https://www.ejp-eurad.eu/)

– Research on power and heat energy systems, building and city energy, energy meteorology and climate and energy statistics. Supporting project: VEKOP-2.3.2-16-2016-00011

– Determination of solid atmospheric pollutants of energy generation and utilization origin. Development and application of sampling and measurement methods for morphological and chemical compositional characterization of submicron and ultrafine aerosol particles.

Supporting projects: VEKOP-2.3.2-16-2016-00011, EMPIR 16ENV07 AEROMET, EMPIR 18ENV08 AEROMET II, http://www.aerometproject.com/).

– Research on the health effects of low dose ionizing radiations by the modelling of deposition, clearance and decay of inhaled radon progenies within the human airways. The developed methods are partly applicable also to inhaled non-radioactive particles such as aerosolized drugs, athmospheric aerosols, bioaerosols or fibres.

– Research on neutron physics and radiation shielding of large European research facilities (e.g. ESS, ELI) Supporting project: European Spallation Source, https://europeanspallationsource.se/

Our department is equipped with instruments for elemental analysis of solid and liquid samples: total-reflection X-ray fluorescence (solutions, aerosol particles) and microscopic X-ray fluorescence (elemental mapping of solid samples).

We are actively participating in teaching and supervising of university students and doctoral students and science popularization events.

Our publications:


The colleagues of the department

Árpád Farkas – Head of department

Lilla Barancsuk

Endre István Börcsök

Tímea Katalin Erdei

Margit Fábián

Péter Füri

Bálint Hartmann

Kitti Kincses

Milán Klausz

Szilvia Kugler

Balázs Gergely Madas

László Mázik

Veronika Oláhné Groma

János Osán

Szabolcs Polgár

Eszter Pósfayné Dian

Bálint Sinkovics

Tamás Soha

Milán Sőrés

Szabina Török

István Tolnai

Péter Zagyvai